Briefing: 27 September 2018

Addressing emissions in ports in Panama

The latest workshop on the “Prevention and control of shipping and port air emissions” was held in Panama City, Panama from 25 to 27 September 2018, which concludes the global roll-out of this series of workshops in all ten Lead Pilot Countries of the GloMEEP Project. The workshop trained participants in how to conduct port emissions inventories and develop emission reduction strategies to address emissions in the port area. The workshop package was developed based on the Port Emissions Toolkit, developed by the GloMEEP Project in collaboration with IAPH, which comprises the two following Guides:

  1. Guide for a Port Emissions Status Assessment 
  2. Guide for the Development of a Port Emissions Reduction Strategy

Participants also heard a presentation on the ongoing initiatives of one of the local terminals, to better understand what projects and practices are currently being applied in the port area to help promote environmental stewardship and awareness. Participants attended from the Panama Maritime Authority, Panama Canal Authority and various port terminals across the country.