The overall goal of GloMEEP project is to contribute to significant reduction of GHG emissions from international shipping via supporting 10 Lead Pilot Countries (LPCs) in taking a fast-track approach to pursuing relevant legal, policy and institutional reforms, driving national government action and industry innovation to support the effective implementation of IMO’s energy efficiency requirements.
The project includes three main components as follows:
- Legal, Policy and Institutional Reforms (LPIR): This component will support LPCs in undertaking national LPIR activities for effective implementation of IMO’s energy efficiency regulations, as well as acting as catalysts for increased ratification of these regulations by other developing countries at a global scale;
- Maritime Sector Energy Efficiency Capacity Building, Awareness Raising, Knowledge Creation and Dissemination: This component aims to enhance awareness and capacity to ratify, implement and enforce IMO’s energy efficiency regulations, as well as foster the uptake of ship operational and design energy efficiency measures in the LPCs; and
- Public-Private Partnerships to Catalyse Maritime Sector Energy Efficiency Innovation, R&D and Technology Deployment: This primarily aims to catalyse the involvement of private sector in maritime sector energy efficiency activities in developing countries through knowledge‑sharing, international forums and collaborative pilot efforts in technology assessment and deployment